That People Thing

Leadership and Culture Change

Every leadership and culture change programme I design is unique. Working in partnership with you, we identify the gap between where your leaders are today and where they need to be for your business. What is the vision for the organisation? What are the values you aspire towards? Who are your clients and customers and what do they need from you? What is the culture that enables you to do that great work? And what is the mark your business wants to make in your industry and the wider world? Any programme you introduce should feel like it's yours, otherwise you're just levelling the playing field between you and your competitors, you're not changing the game.

Leadership Development Programmes

Leaders look at what is, and what could be, and then they disrupt the status quo to bring about change. 

Leaders are always tying to make the business better. And that starts with looking inward. Who do I need to be? How should I spend my time? Where am I getting in the way of others doing their best work? How do I add value to the business without doing everyone else's job for them? 

Our leadership programmes work on two levels. Firstly, with you, we create a curriculum. What does the business need from these leaders? Where do they need to grow? Through 360 feedback we identify top priorities, with delegates themselves requesting support in particular areas. Drawing on more than 20 years of working with clients, we design a programme that is particular to your needs. 

Secondly, every delegate has their own 'Quest' - a business critical project that will be a case study for the programme. There's a big difference between knowing what to do and doing it. So the Quest becomes the test bed for new approaches. How can they apply what they are learning about themselves and about leadership to this project? At each session they bring back their experiences of doing that, reflect, get feedback and challenge from us and from their cohort colleagues, and consider what's next. How do they continually upgrade the way they are going about this Quest? And how can they apply what they are learning more broadly, to every aspect of their leadership? 

Leadership development shouldn't be theoretical. It's easy to say all the right things. But doing them...that's where the rubber hits the road. That's what requires stepping outside of the comfort zone, taking risks and learning from the experience of doing. 

By the end of the programme there is no going back. Too much has changed. And the evidence of the value of that change is plain to see. Delegates form deep connections with each other, identify collaborative projects, challenge each other to step up as leaders, coach each other to unpick habits of thinking and behaviour and hold each other to account for their actions.

As with all my work, the secret is capitalising on the uniqueness that each individual brings rather than creating a homogenous, characterless, one-size fits all approach to leadership. This is what diversity looks like.

Call me to discuss how, together, we can create the leadership your business needs to succeed.

Warning - Our programmes will change your business.

Leadership Development Programmes

Culture Programmes for Leaders

Culture is all about how a company feels to its people. What are the unspoken rules of behaviour? How do we do things around here? And what makes it feel different to any other company? 

Our Culture Programmes start at the top. When the Board or Executive Team are a strong unit, when they can have the honest conversations they need to have, when they embrace healthy challenge and when they see themselves as a true team, others can trust them. Change cannot happen without trust and the organisation can only be as developed as its leaders. Through a series of workshops, the top team enhance how they work together and see how they are perceived as leaders by the rest of the organisation. Once they start making changes to their own leadership we can embark on the next phase. 

We then do a temperature check on the current culture of the business. How does it feel to the people who work there? And what are the cultural priorities - the behaviours and attitudes that need focus in order to create an environment where they can do their best work? The results of this temperature check create a tension - this is where you are, and this is where you want to be...This is the kind of culture you want to create. 

We then work on each team at the next level, giving them the opportunity to think about how to work together even better, how to build trust so that they can have open conversations and how they can serve the rest of the business (and the ultimate customer) to the best of their ability. We reflect on the results of the temperature check and what that means for them. What do they need to do differently and how do they lead their own teams to change habitual behaviours? It's the leaders in the business who will drive change. These sessions with us provide the space to think differently, commit to actions and reflect on progress. 

So as not to create silos, we also bring the senior leadership together as a community, challenging them to break down barriers and work in collaboration to solve big, meaty problems and grasp exciting opportunities to raise their game. There is some leadership development here, of course. Making time to read, to watch videos and to discuss concepts and ideas helps leaders let go of old habits and ways of seeing their role, and builds bonds between leaders who may never have openly discussed these topics with each other. 

And we encourage them to generate their own change initiatives. Ultimately we are trying to make ourselves irrelevant! As we step back we want to see the leaders keeping culture on the agenda, developing their own strategies - whether that's upending how they run meetings, or re-thinking how they communicate, or reconfiguring the office environment, or creating cultural ambassadors, or running sharing and caring events, or anything else - so that the plates keep spinning after That People Thing have left the building. 

Call now to find out how to work with us before your competitors catch on.

Executive Coaching

I specialise in coaching the ones who get it, the ones who know people are the heart of the business, who want to empower their people to be the brilliant, talented, motivated individuals they hired and who know that they must look themselves in the mirror, make time to reflect and to challenge their own hard wiring and be constantly willing to grow if they are to make a difference. 

Each year I work with a handful of individuals who want to figure out how to lead in these fast changing times. My clients are driven by more than personal ambition. They want to lead because that's how they can make the biggest difference. In 1-2-1 sessions with my clients we identify how to capitalise on your authentic, principled style of leadership and become deeply respected in your organisation. We work out how to instantly increase your leadership presence, find your unique voice and drive change without compromising your values. We unpick habits that aren't serving you, re-connect with your purpose and turn what makes you different in to your greatest leadership asset. If you've been told you're too nice for the top job, or you feel you're losing yourself to your work, we should talk.

From more than 20 years coaching senior leaders, 10 years in the newsroom at the BBC and countless intentional changes in my own life, I know how vital it is to stay true to yourself as you become more senior in your industry. If you have the authority to select your own coach, if you're ready to step up to the next level of leadership and if you're up for some very honest conversations, call NOW to discuss how to work with me and to arrange your free trial session.

Executive Coaching

That People Thing

That People Thing

That People Thing.
74 Harts Hill Road
RG18 4NU

Telephone: +44 (0)1225 690066
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That People Thing

That People Thing
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T. +44 (0)1249 454 117
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Mon - Fri: 9am to 5.30pm